Country information

1. International Family Mediation
Family mediation, in Mexico, is legally recognised and encouraged by the State. Mexico has 32 alternative justice laws (e.g. as alternative disputes resolution, the mediation is upheld in the 2008 Alternative Justice Law of the Superior Court of Justice of the Federal District).
Alternative Justice Centres provide family mediation services. There is no list of all Centres in Mexico, please look for “Centro de Justicia Alternativa” in your State. For example, you can contact Alternative Justice Centre of Federal District situated in Mexico City and find a List of private mediators certified by the Centre practising in the State (website in Spanish).
There is no structure specialised on international family mediation in Mexico.
2. International Legal Framework
1) Mexico is a Party to the 1980 Hague Convention.
The 1980 Hague Convention: a multilateral treaty which provides procedural guidelines on the return of children and their protection in cases of international parental child abduction.
Contact the Central Authority established in Mexico for cases of child abduction. The Central Authority should be the first point of contact despite regional contact information provided on the link. The Central Authority will transmit your application to these regional agencies.
2) Mexico is a Party to the 1989 Inter-American Convention.
The 1989 Inter-American Convention: a multilateral treaty among 14 American States that, similar to the 1980 Hague Convention, secures the prompt return of children who have been wrongfully removed from their country of residence.
Contact the Central Authority established in Mexico designated under the 1980 Hague Convention to find out whether the Inter-American Convention prevails in your case and learn how to initiate an application for return of your child.
3) Mexico is not a Party to the 1996 Hague Convention.
The 1996 Hague Convention: a multilateral treaty which determines jurisdiction, applicable law, co-operation in respect of parental responsibility and access rights, as well as civil and public measures for the protection or care of children.
You can determine whether countries relevant to your case are Parties, or not, to the 1980 Hague Convention on International Child Abduction, the 1996 Hague Convention on Child Protection and/or the Inter-American Convention on the International Return Of Children in order to locate the appropriate central authority. As for the 1980 Hague Convention, you can check whether the Convention is in force between two specific States in the Spreadsheet showing acceptances of accessions to the Child Abduction Convention.
3. Legal and Psycho-Social Expertise and Support
Human Rights Commission of the Federal District is an independent institution responsible for hearing complaints of alleged violations committed by any authority or person working in the public administration of the Federal District or procuratorial organisms. The contact information of your regional Commission can be found here.
Caritas Mexico (CEPS) is a private charitable institution with a presence in 30 of Mexico’s states (website in Spanish). It provides housing, medical financial and familial support for those who have suffered natural disasters. The organisation also provides educational and reconciliatory support for individuals and families enduring times of conflict.
4. Child Welfare Services
Procuraduría de Protección de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes provides contacts to child protection authorities at the federal and state level. Federal level contacts address cross-border cases in cooperation with local state authorities (website is in Spanish).
Red por los Derechos de la Infancia en México (REDIM) is a coalition of 75 non-governmental organisations in Mexico that develop help programs for Mexican children and adolescents in vulnerable situations and operates in 16 Mexico States (website is in Spanish).
Ayuda a Niños y Adolescentes en Riesgo is an association providing homes for children at risk, enabling the recuperation of those suffering from traumas such as malnourishment, domestic violence, and being directly impacted by the abuse of drugs and/or alcohol by a parent (website is in Spanish). Please contact them directly here.
Children International – Mexico is a non-profit organisation in Mexico which focuses on gang violence prevention, especially the violence which occurs in young girls. The organisation contains community centres for both children and graduated students to help further their educational and financial goals. They also provide healthcare to children and adolescents who may not be receiving adequate healthcare and teaching preventative care at community centres.
Defence for Children in Mexico (DCI-Mexico) is a non-profit organisation having a Community Probation Programme which aims to generate social reintegration processes of adolescents in conflict with the law. It provides family, educational, social interventions in order to prevent recidivism. In addition, DCI-Mexico has a similar program in the state of Guerrero called Reintegra which provides activities to children in the form of art, culture, and sports, to prevent children from dropping out of school and to prevent family violence and addictions (website is in Spanish).
SOS Children’s Villages in Mexico offer Family Strengthening Programme allowing families with children who are at risk of losing parental care to improve their living conditions and prevent child abandonment. You can find an SOS Children’s Village in your region here (website is in Spanish).
5. Support to Bi-National Couples, Cross-Cultural and Migrant Families
Comisión Mexicana De Ayuda a Refugiados (COMAR) is a public inter-departmental body that performs recognition, cessation and revocation procedures on the status of refugees and grants institutional assistance to refugees by establishing collaboration with government bodies, international and civil society organisations. (website is in Spanish).
Sin Fronteras is a non-governmental organisation which offers legal, psychosocial and economic assistance and services to migrant populations and participates actively in the creation of comprehensive migrant policies and programs. You can contact them here (website is in Spanish).
Some of the hyperlinks you will find in the texts of this section lead you to websites available only in the native language of the country chosen. Copy the URL-address and paste it in Google Translate, choose your language and click on “translate” to find the whole website available.
Access to Professionals / Hotlines:
- Alerta Amber Mexico is an emergency hotline and information centre dedicated to the search and finding of lost children (website is in Spanish).
- Línea Mujeres is a contact centre for Mexico City, which provides information services, guidance, legal advice and psychological support to women (website is in Spanish).
Useful brochures / Documents of reference:
Useful guides for parents concerning mediation practice and child abduction prevention can be found in our Library.