Информация по странам

1. International Family Mediation
Family mediation, in Algeria, is legally recognised, commonly implemented and encouraged by the State. The Executive Decree n° 16-62 (2016) sets the modalities for the organisation of family and social mediation. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Family and the Status of Women provides family and social mediation service at the level of the Directorate of Social Action (DAS) of each wilaya. Please choose your wilaya on the interactive map here and find contact information of its headquarter on the left of the next page (website in French and Arabic).
To our knowledge, there is no specialised structure for international family mediation in Algeria.
2. International Legal Framework
1) Algeria is not a Party to the 1980 Hague Convention.
The 1980 Hague Convention: a multilateral treaty which provides procedural guidelines on the return of children and their protection in cases of international parental child abduction.
2) Algeria is not a Party to the 1996 Hague Convention.
The 1996 Hague Convention: a multilateral treaty which determines jurisdiction, applicable law, co-operation in respect of parental responsibility and access rights, as well as civil and public measures for the protection or care of children.
3) Algeria is a Party to Bilateral Conventions with France.
The list of bilateral conventions concerning parental responsibilities involves treaties signed between Algeria and France (website in French).
You can determine whether countries relevant to your case are Parties, or not, to the 1980 Hague Convention on International Child Abduction and/or the 1996 Hague Convention on Child Protection in order to locate the appropriate central authority. As for the 1980 Hague Convention, you can check whether the Convention is in force between two specific States in the Spreadsheet showing acceptances of accessions to the Child Abduction Convention.
3. Legal and Psycho-Social Expertise and Support
Legal aid offices of the Ministry of Justice provide legal aid to persons with low income as well as to minors, mothers in childcare and disabled persons. Please find your jurisdiction here (website in French and Arabic).
The National Association of Algerian Judicial Mediators (ANMJA) created in 2011 brings together 1,200 mediators out of 3,000 mediators in the country. For additional information, you can contact the ANMJA at the following: mediation.alger(at)gmail.com
The Ministry of National Solidarity, the Family and the Status of Women provides social services at the level of the Directorate of Social Action (DAS) of each wilaya. Please choose your wilaya on the interactive map here and find contact information of its headquarter on the left of the next page (website in French and Arabic).
The Algerian League for the Defence of Human Rights (LADDH) is a non-political non-governmental organisation that protects human rights and intervenes throughout the country. You can visit their Facebook page (website in French) or contact them directly here:
61 Bis Boulevard Mohamed 5
Algiers, Algeria
Telephone: (+213) 21 63 16 25
Email: laddh_bejaia(at)yahoo.fr
Rassemblement Actions Jeunesse (RAJ) is a national association represented in about forty wilayas through committees installed in universities, university cities and municipalities (website in French and Arabic). It promotes social, cultural and citizen activities, as well as the respect of human rights. Also, the association provides youth with psychological support. You can contact them directly here:
17 Rue Larbi Ben M'hidi Algiers Centre
16000 Algiers, Algeria
Telephone: (+213) 55 091 14 20
Email: raj.algerie2010(at)gmail.com
SOS Femmes en Détresse is a non-governmental organisation providing listening service, legal aid and shelter centre to divorced and single women as well as to women victims of violence. You can contact them directly here:
1, avenue de l'indépendance
BP 146 Ben Aknoun
Algiers, Algeria
Telephone: (+213) 21 92 99 22; (+213) 21 66 74 30
Fax: (+213) 21 92 96 19
Email: sosfemmes(at)hotmail.com
4. Child Welfare Services
Within the Ministry of National Solidarity of the Family and the Status of Women, the Department of Protection and Promotion of Childhood and Adolescence and Youth Solidarity Programs provides social services for families in need, children and youth (website in French). You can contact them here.
Nada Network Social and Solidarity Actions gathers 150 associations that work for the respect and the defence of the rights of the child, through listening and support for children and families in difficulty, as well as parent education. You can visit their Facebook page or contact them directly here:
102 and 105 rue Didouche Mourad,
16000 Algiers, Algeria
Telephone: (+ 213) 21 74 14 71; (+213) 21 23 79 85; (+213) 23 49 12 02
Email: contact(at)nada-dz.org; dir.executive(at)nada-dz.org; nada.reseau(at)gmail.com
The Information and Documentation Centre on Children and Women Rights (CIDDEF) provides women and children as well as victims to violence with listening and support by telephone, psychological support and legal advice (website in French).
SOS Children’s Villages in Algeria provides Family Strengthening Programme to protect children who are at risk of losing the care of their family working directly with the families and communities concerned and strengthening their capacities to take care of their children and to protect them. There are SOS Social Centres in Draria, Corso, Naciria, Tipaza, and Tizi Ouzou ensuring that children have access to essential health and nutritional services and education as well as assisting parents by providing guidance on income-generating skills and parenting practices, counselling and psychological support. Here is their contact information:
Villa N° 136, Les Amandiers
16303 Baba Hassen
Algiers, Algeria
Telephone: (+213) 20 31 05 76 or (+213) 661 59 24 36
Fax: (+213) 21 35 01 34 or (+213) 21 30 76 42
Email: info(at)sos-algerie.org or info(at)sosve-dz.org
5. Support to Bi-National Couples, Cross-Cultural and Migrant Families
The Algerian League for the Defence of Human Rights (LADDH) is a non-political non-governmental organisation that protects human rights and intervenes throughout the country. You can visit their Facebook page (website in French) or contact them directly here:
61 Bis Boulevard Mohamed 5
Algiers, Algeria
Telephone: (+213) 21 63 16 25
Email: laddh_bejaia(at)yahoo.fr
Caritas Algeria (CA) works with migrants crossing the country from sub-Saharan Africa, providing them, among others, with medical aid, literacy courses and tutoring classes for younger children. Caritas Algeria provides support regardless of the origin, identity or religion. You can contact them directly here (website in French).
Некоторые из гиперссылок, которые вы найдете на страницах данного раздела, ведут на вебсайты, доступные только на родном языке выбранной вами страны. Скопируйте URL-адрес и вставьте его в Google Translate, выберите ваш язык и кликните на «перевести», чтобы перевести весь вебсайт.
Access to Professionals / Hotlines:
- Network Nada Social and Solidarity Actions has set up a listening and support system for children and families in difficulty, as well as for raising awareness among parents available at 3033.
Useful brochures / Documents of reference:
- Relevant publications on mediation are produced in French by the Center for Legal and Judicial Research (CRJJ) of the Ministry of Justice which can be contacted by anyone interested here:
Boulevard Tella Hassene, Chéraga
Algiers, Algeria
Telephone: (+213) 23 22 45 77
Fax: (+213) 23 22 45 70
Email: crjj(at)mjustice.dz
Useful guides for parents concerning mediation practice and child abduction prevention can be found in our Library.