Informações por país

1. International Family Mediation
Family mediation, in Jordan, is legally recognised, commonly implemented and encouraged by the State. According to the Mediation Law for Settling Civil Disputes (2006), the judge of a civilian court may, upon the agreement of the parties or further to their request, refer the dispute to a mediating judge, a “special mediator” appointed by the Minister of Justice or a private mediator approved by the court.
Jordanian laws regarding marriage, divorce and custody of children are adjudicated in religious courts (Shari’a courts and tribunals of other religious communities). Shari’a law is applied if both parents are Muslims, or the father is Muslim. However, in the latter case, the spouse may reject the jurisdiction of a Shari’a court due to differences in religion, so a civilian court takes over the case.
There is, to our knowledge, no specialised structure for international family mediation in Jordan, but Family reconciliation offices of the Supreme Judge Department provide international family mediation service with the help of translators free of charge. You can contact it directly here or by calling at (+962) 6 500 8080 (website in Arabic).
2. International Legal Framework
1) Jordan is not a Party to the 1980 Hague Convention.
The 1980 Hague Convention: a multilateral treaty which provides procedural guidelines on the return of children and their protection in cases of international parental child abduction.
Parental child abduction is a criminal offence in Jordan if a parent or grandparent removes a child from the person who is entitled to custody according to a Jordanian judicial decision. If a mother is taking her Jordanian child abroad, she must obtain the written approval of the father in order to leave the country (For more information, please read here).
2) Jordan is not a Party to the 1996 Hague Convention.
The 1996 Hague Convention: a multilateral treaty which determines jurisdiction, applicable law, co-operation in respect of parental responsibility and access rights, as well as civil and public measures for the protection or care of children.
You can determine whether countries relevant to your case are Parties, or not, to the 1980 Hague Convention on International Child Abduction and/or the 1996 Hague Convention on Child Protection in order to locate the appropriate central authority. As for the 1980 Hague Convention, you can check whether the Convention is in force between two specific States in the Spreadsheet showing acceptances of accessions to the Child Abduction Convention.
3. Legal and Psycho-Social Expertise and Support
Arab Renaissance for Democracy & Development (ARDD-Legal Aid) is a civil society organisation providing free legal aid, counselling and representation, mediation services and psychosocial support to Jordanians and non-Jordanians alike, with a special focus on particularly vulnerable groups, including refugees, women, and minority group members. They provide services regardless of race, religion, sex, age, social status or political belief. ARDD-Legal Aid has offices in 8 towns and in the refugee camps of Zaatari and Al Azraq. You can contact them directly here.
The Justice Center for Legal Aid (JCLA) is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation providing poor and vulnerable people with legal consultations, alternative dispute resolution and representation services in the areas of civil, criminal and family (including Shari’a) law. JCLA provides legal aid at 24 clinics located across the country. You can check your eligibility criteria for legal aid and contact them directly here.
Mizan for Law (MIZAN) is a non-profit company protecting human rights. It provides free legal advice and interfacing with the government to lawyers that represent juveniles, women at risk or victims of discrimination and violations, labourers and victims of torture. MIZAN provides legal counselling and aid for Jordanian families and seeks settlement of family disputes amicably. You can contact them directly here.
The Jordan River Foundation (JRF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that focuses on child safety and economic development for low-income communities. JRF provides support services and trainings for families and parents in need, psychological counselling to women and children as well as community empowerment programs. You can write an email to JRF here or contact directly at:
P.O. Box 2943
Amman 11181, Jordan
Telephone: (+962) 6 593 3211
Fax: (+962) 6 593 3210
The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting rights-based, sustainable human development in Jordan. JOHUD has 51 Community Development Centres through which it provides services in the fields of women and youth empowerment, poverty intervention (emergency, medical assistance, sustainable support), economic support, early childhood development and learning for development. You can contact their main office here.
The Jordanian Women’s Union (JWU) is a non-governmental organisation that is committed to improving the status of women and has established networks with women’s movements, both nationally and regionally. Legal counselling, medical, social and psychological services are provided to vulnerable and abused women and children. JWU also runs a women’s shelter and child guest houses in Amman. It has district branches in Ajloun, Balq'a, Fuhais, Karak, Khaldeya, Ramtha, Salt, Zarqa, Irbid and Madaba. You can contact the JWU headquarter in Amman directly here.
Caritas Jordan provides assistance in response to the various needs of the different target groups of the Jordanian society those vulnerable and needy regardless of their nationality, religion, race or colour. The organisation offers social, medical, housing and educational assistance, psychological support, family counselling and assistance to refugees and migrant workers. Caritas Jordan has 22 centres spread across the country and you can contact its head office in Amman here.
4. Child Welfare Services
The Jordan River Foundation (JRF) is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation that focuses on child safety and economic development for low-income communities. JRF provides support services and trainings for families and parents in need, psychological counselling to women and children as well as community empowerment programs. You can write an email to JRF here or contact directly at:
P.O. Box 2943
Amman 11181, Jordan
Telephone: (+962) 6 593 3211
Fax: (+962) 6 593 3210
Save the Children Jordan is a non-governmental organisation that provides child protection services to Syrian children in their Child-Friendly Spaces (CFS). Save the Children Jordan runs, among others, the Promising Futures Program to support national efforts to combat child labour in Jordan. The program provides direct services to working children and school dropouts. Their programs are running in 12 governorates in Jordan. You can contact the organisation head office directly here.
Plan International Jordan is a non-governmental organisation providing early childhood care and development services in communities that host Syrian refugees. The organisation works with parents and caregivers so they can help their children develop, including through emotional support. It also establishes child-friendly help and protection desks that provide key information on child abuse and immediately refer cases of abuse or exploitation to the relevant services. Please contact them at:
SHARECO Building, 60 Issam Ajlouni St.
6th floor – Shmeisani
Amman, Jordan
Telephone: (+962) 77 611 7755
5. Support to Bi-National Couples, Cross-Cultural and Migrant Families
Arab Renaissance for Democracy & Development (ARDD-Legal Aid) is a civil society organisation providing free legal aid, counselling and representation, mediation services and psychosocial support to Jordanians and non-Jordanians alike, with a special focus on particularly vulnerable groups, including refugees, women, and minority group members. They provide services regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, age, social status or political belief. ARDD-Legal Aid has offices in 8 towns and in the refugee camps of Zaatari and Al Azraq. You can contact them directly here.
The Justice Center for Legal Aid (JCLA) is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation providing poor and vulnerable people with legal consultations, alternative dispute resolution and representation services in the areas of civil, criminal and family (including Shari’a) law. JCLA provides legal aid at 24 clinics located across the country. You can check your eligibility criteria for legal aid and contact them directly here.
Mizan for Law (MIZAN) is a non-profit company protecting human rights. It provides free legal advice and interfacing with the government to lawyers that represent refugees, asylum seekers and victims of torture. You can contact them directly here.
The Jordanian Women’s Union (JWU) is a non-governmental organisation that is committed to improving the status of women and has established networks with women’s movements, both nationally and regionally. Legal counselling, medical, social and psychological services are provided to vulnerable and abused women and children. JWU also runs a women’s shelter and child guest houses in Amman. It has district branches in Ajloun, Balq'a, Fuhais, Karak, Khaldeya, Ramtha, Salt, Zarqa, Irbid and Madaba. You can contact the JWU headquarter in Amman directly here.
The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting rights-based, sustainable human development across the country. JOHUD partners with international NGO’s to provide psychological, social, academic, professional, and medical services to thousands of Iraqi, Syrian, Somali, and Sudanese refugees residing in Jordan. You can contact their main office here.
The Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) Jordan provides mental health and social services to Iraqi and Syrian torture survivors living in and around Amman. Psychotherapeutic, physical therapy and social services are provided by professional clinical staff. CVT also conducts home visits to support and educate family members. You can contact them at:
Raid Building, Al-Bat-haa' Street,
Naifa District, North Hashmi,
P.O. Box 231076
11123 Amman, Jordan
Telephone: (+962) 6 506 0778
Fax: (+962) 6 506 1060
Email: cvt(at) or info(at)
Caritas Jordan provides assistance in response to the various needs of the different target groups of the Jordanian society those vulnerable and needy regardless of their nationality, religion, race or colour. The organisation offers social, medical, housing and educational assistance, psychological support, family counselling, and assistance to refugees and migrant workers. Caritas Jordan has 22 centres spread across the country and you can contact its head office in Amman here.
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Access to Professionals / Hotlines:
- Jordan River Foundation (JRF) runs a free helpline that aims to empower the child and family in order to promote and protect the well-being and safety of children in Jordan. Based on confidentiality, counsellors communicate with the caller, whether a child or an adult, providing psychological support, guidance, information and referrals.
- ARDD-Legal Aid runs an emergency line available 24/7 at (+962) 77 738 7221 that you can contact to get free legal consultation.
- MIZAN provides a hotline available 24/7 at (+962) 6 569 8877 that you can contact to get legal aid.
- The Jordanian Women’s Union (JWU) runs a hotline that provides legal, social and psychological counselling to vulnerable or abused women. The counselling is confidential, non-judgmental and free of charge at (+962) 6 567 5729.
Useful brochures / Documents of reference:
Useful guides for parents concerning mediation practice and child abduction prevention can be found in our Library.